Developing and Analyzing Data Through Surveys

Qualitative vs. quantitative.

You need both and you also need to do focus groups.

How often are you surveying your members?

In today's world with all the free or nominal fees associated with online surveys, you have no excuse not to do an annual survey and find out what your members want and expect from you.

Remember, you can't serve all members.  In fact, I did a previous blog post on that subject that can be found HERE.

The key, in my opinion, when conducting these surveys is to be consistent from year to year.  You need to be asking the same questions so you can get a benchmark to work from.

If you just change your questions each year, you have nothing to base your results on.

I'm reminded by the membership survey that Marketing General, Inc. has conducted over the past 7 years.  They ask the same questions so they can have a base and measure changes over time with the same audience.  That's data that's worth following.

If you want their latest benchmarking survey on membership go HERE.

In addition, do you have a process that all new programs need to go through before you add them to your program of work?

If not, you should create a document that is used for all potential new programs the chamber is considering getting into.  Don't go into any new program blind.  Find out if your membership wants it, is willing to support it, and that it is sustainable.

That's a recipe for success!