Net Revenue vs. Gross Revenue

I was recently reading an interesting article on the net revenue vs. gross revenue thought process.

Past blog posts have addressed:

...which all focus, in different ways, on programs that your members value and where you’re making money.

When looking at your programs many suggest you look at the net revenue for each of your programs (including fully loaded costs, i.e. staff) not just the gross revenue.  Be smart about where you put your chambers resources.

The more you focus on net revenue the better your spread will be at the end of the year and you’ll be able to put more money to reserves.

And we all know in today’s economy anything we can do to improve efficiencies and improve your bottom line will be well received by your board.

Which would you rather have a bigger gross budget or a better net profit in your next budget cycle?

Managing Volunteers

For most of us, each year we get a new chairman with their ideas and set of priorities that may or may not align with the current program of work of your organization.

I think we all can agree that if you have a challenging volunteer it can make for a long year.

We all (volunteers and staff) come to the table with different personalities, strengths and weaknesses.

Open communication is the key!  If you keep your lines of communication open and transparent, your organization will be better off for it.

There are resources available that may help with this volunteer/staff relationship.  I am especially fond of the work the Tecker International folks have accumulated on the subject matter through seminars and publications.

Don’t ignore it.  Address it with open communication.

For more information on the subject matter from Tecker International click HERE.