Evaluating Advantages and Risks of Various Dues Schedules

There are basically three types of dues schedules:
  1. Dues based on full-time employees (FTEs);
  2. Dues based on an overall budget of the business; and
  3. Dues based on tiers.
The trend over the past ten years has been moving to a tiered dues system and I'm a fan of that trend.

The first two set you and your members up for an adversarial relationship!

With a tiered dues system your members can pay for exactly what they want based on your tiered dues structure and there is no going back and forth with the business leader on how many employees they have at any given time or what their current budget is for that given year.

Get out of that game!

Work with your members to give them what they want and what they are willing to pay for based on your tiered dues structure.

The key is to be transparent on what the different levels will deliver for their dues point.

That's a win win for both the chamber and your members or potential members.

For more on a tiered dues structure from Kyle Sexton go HERE.