Tips for Starting a Chamber of Commerce Grassroots Program

Do you have a formalized grassroots program?

If not, you should.

A grassroots campaign is one of the three legged stool that makes up a strong government affairs program at your chamber.

And the other two, direct lobbying and a political action committee (PAC).

Laying the groundwork for a successful grassroots program is essential for any Chamber of Commerce.

Here are some tips to get you started:

Building a Strong Foundation:

  • Define Your Goals & Priorities: Clearly identify the policy issues your chamber will advocate for. Align these with your members' interests and the community's economic well-being.
  • Secure Board & Staff Buy-In: Get leadership on board with the program's importance. Allocate staff resources for effective management.
  • Develop a Communication Plan: Establish clear channels to keep members informed about legislative issues, advocacy efforts, and calls to action.

Engaging Your Members:

  • Identify Your Champions: Find members who are passionate about specific issues and willing to be vocal advocates.
  • Educate & Empower: Provide members with information on legislative processes, effective communication with officials, and the importance of their participation.
  • Utilize Technology: Leverage online platforms and social media to mobilize members quickly and efficiently.

Building Relationships:

  • Identify Key Decision-Makers: Research and establish connections with local, state, and federal officials who can influence the issues you care about.
  • Maintain Open Communication: Foster ongoing dialogue with elected officials to understand their perspectives and concerns.
  • Highlight Member Impact: Showcase how your chamber's advocacy efforts benefit businesses and the community.