Chamber of Commerce Total Resource Campaigns

A chamber of commerce total resource campaign is a fundraising effort that chambers of commerce use to raise money to support their operations and programs.

These campaigns can take many different forms, but they typically involve businesses and individuals donating money or resources to the chamber.

There are many benefits to participating in a chamber of commerce resource campaign.

For businesses, it is a great way to support their local community and get their name in front of a wider audience. It can also help to build relationships with other businesses in the community.

For individuals, it is a way to give back to the community and support the chamber's mission of promoting economic development and business growth.

Here are some of the most common types of chamber of commerce resource campaigns:

  • Donation drives: Businesses and individuals are asked to donate money to the chamber.
  • Sponsorships: Businesses are asked to sponsor a chamber event or program in exchange for advertising or other benefits.
  • Auctions: The chamber holds an auction of donated goods and services.
  • Membership drives: The chamber encourages businesses and individuals to become members in exchange for benefits, such as discounts on chamber events and programs.
  • Grants: The chamber applies for grants from foundations and government agencies to support its operations and programs.

Here are some things to think about for getting the most out of these campaigns for both the chamber and the members perspective:

  • Be clear about expectations. When you approach the chamber about participating in a total resource campaign, be clear about what you hope to achieve. This will help the chamber to match you with the right campaign.
  • Work with the chamber to create a customized campaign package. The chamber may be able to create a campaign package that meets your specific needs and budget.
  • Promote the campaign. Let your customers, employees, and other stakeholders know about your participation in the campaign. This will help to increase awareness of the chamber and the campaign.
  • Follow up with the chamber. After the campaign has ended, be sure to follow up with the chamber to see how it went and to discuss future opportunities.

By following these tips, both the member and the chamber can have a great experience and will lead to future participation in your next chamber of commerce total resource campaign.