Recruiting New Members: Use Multiple Marketing Channels

It's important that you consider using all available communications channels when recruiting new members.

I'm sure you've already used the following at some point in your past campaigns:

  • Direct Marketing
  • Member-get-a-member
  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • Print ads
  • Radio
  • TV
  • YouTube
  • Etc.

Make sure all the channels you're using have a consistent look and message (i.e. branding). That's key!

The following also play a major role in an effective campaign:

  • Frequency - the number of times you mail your offer will improve with the frequency in which you send.  And remember, you should know the lifetime value of a member. Think long-term and not short-term when it comes to your campaigns.
  • List - the most important aspect of your campaign. You need to have clean data. If your data is bad, your results will be equally so. You can read all the articles you want on recruitment, sales, etc, and they will all tell you the same thing - it's the list!

Also, always remember the four key elements of your campaign. Each will affect your results:

  • List
  • Offer
  • Timing
  • Price

Clean your data first, then start your campaign.

Measure your results and tweak as needed!

For a couple of blog posts on a marketing plan by Marketing General, Inc. go HERE.