for discussion purposes, how many chambers are in the ribbon cutting business?
chamber executive I talk to that has a robust ribbon cutting program talk about
how their members love it.
that's a great opportunity to charge a premium for that feature. That's a
special member feature that they should pay a premium for. It's not a
member benefit. The benefit is awareness of the business to the community from the press received at the event.
take a minute to have a discussion on the difference between a member feature
and a member benefit. And by the way, I've been guilty of using the
two words interchangeably.
let's be clear, the difference can be illustrated in the following examples:
Feature vs Member Benefit
- 4 tires, two doors on a car vs transportation to the airport
- Educational program vs knowledge to comply with a new regulation
- Ribbon cutting ceremony vs public awareness and new business
- Tissue vs germ free
about the benefits of joining your organization not the features you provide.
in something!